Saturday, January 10, 2015

Best Skin Ever by Living Libations: How I Got Rid of Acne

When I was 15 I had nearly flawless skin.  While many of my classmates had troubles with their acne, I would only get a small pimple every once in a while.  I thought I had lucked out and skipped that part of puberty, but I turned 18 and suddenly my face was riddled by the monsters I thought I had evaded. 

I had very little knowledge on what products to buy, so I just went to the drugstore and picked out whatever was cheapest.  I used it day and night and it did absolutely nothing.  Frustrated, I decided to start using Proactive.  It worked after a few days, nearly all of my pimple vanished and I felt great.  I could get over my face smelling like Play Doh if it meant I could have clear skin again, but one morning I woke up and my skin was flakey, red, and my neck was extremely itchy.  I stopped using it right away for two reasons.  One, I was deathly afraid of allergic reactions.  Second, because I didn’t really want to use a product that made my skin feel like that.  I stopped using anything for a while and just suffered with painful acne. 

I went through a few minor adverse reactions to food when I realized that I was allergic to sulfites.  I did a lot of research about what it was and why my body couldn’t tolerate it.  Sulfites are a preservative and they’re found in things like food coloring, dried fruits, and wine.  I realized that sulfites weren’t one of the only questionable ingredients in our food, so I changed my diet.  I really got into natural health, and realized how wonderful our Earth is and what she has to offer.  I started using more natural health and beauty products (I proudly only use organic and natural health and beauty products now).  With my diet change I lost weight, and over all felt much better, but my acne was still there.  It got really painful at times, and I started losing hope. About 6 months ago, I came across a company called Living Libations. The featured product on their website was called Best Skin Ever-Sea buckthorn.  I read the reviews, and I saw nothing but positives. 

After a couple of weeks, my skin was practically perfect.  I know a couple weeks seem like a long time to wait for results, but I’ve learned that products that tailor to the impatient are not the best things for us in the long run.  Best Skin Ever-Sea buckthorn has pure organic ingredients.  It has nothing cringe-worthy or hard to pronounce ingredients in it, unlike other products.  I won’t  ever need to use anything else now that I have this product. 
It’s especially great because I can use it in my bedroom with just a washcloth.  I squirt a little bit on the washcloth and rub in onto my face, and that’s all. It’s nothing like those sets of sometimes up to five products (scrub this, cleanse with this, moisturize, spot treatment cream, night cream, etc…)  I like that I don’t have to hover over a sink at night, spilling water over my front.  I especially love that it works as a make-up remover.  

Overall I am very satisfied with this product, and would suggest to anyone who is struggling to find a good solution to their acne problems and wants a good natural product.  It doesn’t try out sensitive skin, and the oils don’t clog pores, they do just the opposite, so I would say it is good for every skin type.

They also have tons of other amazing products from oral health, to a line of super-food/ herby chocolates.  


Thank you for reading! You can follow my blog via email, and make sure to check out Living Libations!

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