Monday, October 30, 2017

I Visited An Abandoned Asylum | Paranormal Storytime

Back in 2015 I decided to go to Rochester, NY to visit the Rolling Hills Haunted Asylum. I went there with a super open mind (I've never been a skeptic), a voice recorder, and several ghost hunting apps. There were several instances during that night that, in my eyes, prove the existence of the paranormal. 

The air surrounding the place was so heavy. Clearly this building had not been in use for a very long time. If you needed to film a horror movie, that'd be the place. 

I'll get right into the action, though.

I decided to go up to an old nurse's room and sit there asking questions to see if I could get an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). Since the building was old, I didn't put much stock into the bumps or creaks. However, when I asked the spirit to show herself, the door gently popped open. I asked if it was her and the door creaked open little by little. I said thank you then immediately proceeded to take off running. Later, on that same floor, in a room where the caretakers stayed, the room started to smell of sulfur (pretty widely agreed that sulfur is the perfume of Satan). I was pretty done with that floor by then.

I took a fair amount of useless voice recordings from that night with one unbelievable exception. It was in a room that was once used as a classroom for the younger patients. The tour guide suggested we give them pop quizzes from an old book on the desk. We didn't listen to the recording until the following day, but when we did, I was thrilled. Mind you, there were other people on the floor we were on. In between questions and the banter of the people I was with, there was obvious sounds of children talking and laughing. It was as if the class was waiting for a teacher to quiet them down. It wasn't subtle at all. Plain and clear, I heard children's voices talking over each other. It was chilling.

It was when we were on the floor where they took their sick patients that I was the most scared I was the entire night (which is saying something considering I laid on their autopsy table). We were joking around about provoking spirits (which is the worst thing you can do) about to make our way back to the lobby area. I said something to the effect that I was not scared of this place. On my left, a door flew open with this huge thud sound. My group screamed and ran, but then I stopped because I wanted to go back and check it out; I totally thought it was someone pranking us. I ran back into the room where the door opened. It was a bathroom with only one exit. The window was firmly shut and no one was in there. It was about then, I couldn't logically explain it away. There was no wind, we had heard a bang, and the door even stuck. It was not easy to open because it had been painted so many times. The timing of it as well is so compelling to me too. It burst open right when we walked by. 

I told my sister about it and she did her thesis on a psych ward in Buffalo, NY. Evidently, bathrooms were where patients experienced a lot of trauma because that was the one place where no one would be monitoring them. 

There were about another dozen things that happened to us that night and perhaps I'll make a part two to this story. I really truly believe in ghosts. I've had too many incidents that I really cannot explain away. That's all for now.

Stay spooky, my friends.

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