Thursday, June 22, 2017

I'd Like to Thank...

Having just finished my last class of my undergraduate college career, there are several things I'd like to thank. Not people, but things. Here they are:

I'd like to thank...

  1. My phone for allowing me to text people in a frantic tizzy for four years straight without judging me.
  2. Spark Notes for letting me pass certain classes without having to buy a book.
  3. Riesling for being so very delicious. 
  4. The Financial Aid Office for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Seriously, they're the worst.
  5. The Hunger Games trilogy for giving me the inspiration I needed for the cornucopia that is Registration Day.  
  6. All the many planner journals that I swore I would stick by (but I still waited until 24 hours before the due date to start). 
  7. My most useful tool, confidence, that was my saving grace when I had to give a presentation to my class about a Shakespeare play I never read.
  8. Slow college WiFi for making every class presentation the most uncomfortably awkward experience. 
  9. Advil.
  10. The "block" button on all forms of social media.
  11. The umbrella that sat in my car on days where I was certain it wasn't going to rain that hard but I looked outside to see waterfalls falling from the sky. 
  12. Synchronized Swimming because it makes me happy.
  13. My car radio for providing a backtrack to my daily concerts to and from classes.
  14. Etsy for satisfying my impulsive purchase needs.
  15. Paper, for printing my degree ;)
It feels weird to be done.

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