Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fly With Time Goes to Etsy

My Harry Potter obsession just got real.

As of a few weeks ago, I have begun making Harry Potter wands and I opened up my own Etsy account. You can just call me Ollivander. 
So welcome to Fly With Time, the shop who's owner likes to whittle wooden sticks with a hunting knife on her front porch surely scaring the postman, all in the name of art (for the sake of Harry Potter appreciation, because you really can't take it too far). 
So if you've ever liked one of my DIY craft blogs, you'll probably like the wands I've made. 
Check out my shop here! Four wands are listed now, but many more are to come.

Also new to my blog is a "Contact Me" section with an email specifically for my blog. Any comments, suggestions, questions, or general curiosities are welcome. I created the email account for those who have told me how difficult it is to leave a comment on my blogs without having a Google Plus account. 

Thank you for reading :)

Friday, June 12, 2015

Book Review: Moon Time by Lucy H. Pearce

About a year ago I bought a book called, Moon Time: a guide to celebrating your menstrual cycle by Lucy H. Pearce, and it was just what I needed.  So many women have this idea that their periods are gross and that no one needs to talk about it, so it often is not discussed. I remember as a young girl I was always really excited to get my first period, but when I did I hated it. No one told me what cramps were going to feel like, I don’t think I was even aware that cramps hurt. I didn’t know how to deal with it, or the PMS, and I began to rue the day that I was excited for something so torturous. It really is a problem that menstruating is not on open topic of discussion. It’s the reason why any of us exist, so why can’t we all get over the “ick” factor and move on.
Moon Time is incredibly life altering if you really want to improve your relationship with your menstrual cycle and yourself. Pearce is not an author to write a book for profit. You can tell with every page that she cares about you and your growth as a woman. She teaches you the beauty of your cycles, how to care for your body and soul in natural and loving ways. I suggest having a journal that you keep with you as you read it. There are sections of the book that are interactive. She will ask questions to which you should respond. I go back and read my answers now from a year ago and I’m glad I have that insight. This book takes you through a metamorphosis with not just how you think about your cycles, but how you treat yourself because of them. I really cannot stress how important it is that women’s views on their periods need to change. We really should be celebrating them, not popping Advil and hating them for being an inconvenience.
If you are even a little bit curious about this book, I highly recommend you pick it up. Open yourself up to new ideas.

To find other inspiring books by Pearce, check out her website.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Feminism vs Hypocrisy

Mark Ruffalo has recently come out swinging at the “I am not a feminist,” movement and until I read that, I had no idea that such a thing existed. In order to understand the situation a little better, I looked up the tumblr page dedicated to women against feminism. I sit here now reading posts by women everywhere listing reasons why they don’t need feminism. Overall I have found that these women have no idea feminism really is. 
I’ve had multiple conversations with other women who are afraid to call themselves feminist because of this stigma that it is a dirty word used by men-hating women. People seem to think that feminism now consists of women who want special treatment. 
I will admit that I’ve met people who claim to be feminist and use it as leverage to complain about their misfortunes and pull the gender card whenever possible. These women do not understand what feminism is. Feminism is about equality. It’s not about getting special treatment. It’s not about oppressing men. These women who claim they don’t need feminism are so caught up in this horrifyingly trendy fad that they don’t understand that without feminism their lives would be extraordinarily different. 
One woman wrote that she feels she doesn’t need equality because it already exists. I understand that not everyone in the world will feel the effects of inequality, but that doesn’t mean it’s made up. Personally, I am disgusted by this ignorant movement. Their ignorance is not an opinion, it is a fact. Inequality is not imaginary, it’s something that women deal with every single day, it’s something I’ve witnessed and experienced, and women who are actively fighting their pursuit of equality should be countered. Something I hope everyone who thinks that feminism is a dirty word takes away from this is that there is a difference between hypocrites and feminists. 
True feminism is about equality, and that is something that does not exist yet. Of course there are people who take it too far, but extremists exist everywhere and an entire movement towards better treatment of people should not be tarnished because of a few people who crossed a line. Sound familiar?