Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Sweet Moments

As a rough patch smooths out in most relationships, you get to see the sweet moments again. That’s my favorite part about having someone you love, romantically or plantonically. After spending a few days being angry about silly things that no one will remember in a year, your stomach unwinds from being knotted and your vision clears.

That’s when you see the good stuff; the stuff that makes the not-so-good stuff not matter. Sometimes it’s the glasses of water brought to you when you’re nauseous. Right now, for me, it’s the way he glances over his shoulder as I sit up to make sure I’m okay and not going to be sick. It’s nice to not have to worry about if you’re being cared for when you’re not at your best.

This is true with friendships as well. While it is not such a gut-tying instinctual connection to someone else, the sweet moments are so intense that they fill your heart. For me, I love the spontaneous hugs that last a while for no reason other than you want to. It’s the best form of pure love that exists, in my opinion. Your friends provide more sweet moments than you know what to do with sometimes.

Family is a league of its own and a book could be (and most likely has been) dedicated to listing the ways they provide sweet moments.

I look forward to the next one I experience and I hope you do, too.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Things That Bother Me

As I've gotten older, I've gained a lot of positive perspectives. However, I don't think I'll ever be completely void of negative opinions. Here's the thing, y'all. Some things just straight up bother me and this blog has always been the place where I've enjoyed ranting. So let's get right into it:

Ugh, these people are the worst. Sometimes it's even someone you really like and you hate to hate them for being a jerk. For example, I enjoy someone very much, but they poo-pooed everything about my favorite holiday and had such an uppity attitude about it. Here's what I wanted to say: "If you want to be miserable, go be miserable somewhere else. Don't make me turn off my favorite movie because you don't like the holiday."

This is really common. I feel like every single person on the planet at some point has glared holes into the face of a slurper. Sometimes it's tolerable. If it's a one time occasion, I can let it slide. But if every sip of your coffee is a five second long slurp, I've probably imagined smashing your mug against the wall.

Oh my goodness, I can hear the hate mail being written. But I’m sorry, I prefer fully trained dogs that don’t pee and poo everywhere and cry all night. Really, I just prefer cats...

I am forgiving and loyal almost to a fault when it comes to people I love. But I’ve had to walk away from people in my life because I just couldn’t get on board with their stupidity. If you know you’re making a dangerous life choice, I’m out. And I RARELY walk away from anyone.

I know this wasn’t a cheerful blog, but hey, a girl’s got to vent. You know?

Monday, July 9, 2018

23 Pieces of Life Advice from a 23-Year-Old

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I like to share my thoughts. A teenager might think I’ve got it all figured out, and a 50-year-old might think I know nothing. However, I’ve got some things to say and you may or may not find wisdom in these things. 

  1. People’s opinions only matter if you value it.
  2. Sometimes you need to just do nothing all day to reset your brain.
  3. Compliments go a long way even simple ones.
  4. Being shy is a waste of time.
  5. Sometimes letting someone have their way in an argument is the best move.
  6. Patience pays off especially when making big purchases.
  7. You like what you like and you shouldn't feel bad about it if other people think it's weird.
  8. The definition of family can be redefined.
  9. Some grief doesn't go away. It's just carried.  
  10. Hiding something about your own life for the sake of other people’s reputation is hard to deal with.
  11. Things tend to work out the way they're supposed to.
  12. Finding a relaxing hobby can help you cope with just about anything.
  13. There is wisdom in Harry Potter that reveals itself to you as you get older.
  14. Cleaning and organizing your living space may be just what you need when you're feeling anxious.
  15. Being afraid to go see the doctor (of any kind) for fear of embarrassment is a waste of precious time.
  16. Going to therapy does not mean you are crazy and it can really help you change your life.
  17. As a young person, you get to learn how to identify people who mistreat you so as an adult, you know when to walk away from them.
  18. Taking care of your appearance isn't vain at all, it's a great way to boost your mood.
  19. All things in life need a good edit with peer review. Taking a step back and having someone else tell you what's missing can be very beneficial but remember that in the end, you get the final say.
  20. Struggling is temporary.
  21. Not everyone has to agree with you.
  22. Don’t overburden yourself because you’re afraid to tell someone no.
  23. Love your life and don’t overthink.