Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fun/Easy Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

Every year, aside from this year, I always waited until the day before or the day of Halloween to decide what to wear.  Most of the time I threw on a dress and called myself a princess.  This year, though, I not only planned out a costume, I decided to help everyone else find one too.  Here are some very quick, inexpensive (and/or free) costume ideas for anyone who waited until now.
Miley Cyrus.  This one is easy, just pin the sides of your hair down, puff up the top and stick your tongue out.  Risqué outfit is optional.
Zombie.  This one may require you to go get some fake blood, some dark makeup and rip your clothes, but it is so worth it. 

Ghost.  I had a lot of fun being a ghost for a day.  If you enjoy thoroughly creeping out your friends and family I suggest you try out this one.  Just make your face as pale as possible, darken circles under your eyes and wear white (lacey if possible).

Luna Lovegood.  This gloriously unedited picture is from my sister's Facebook page.  Luna is often seen holding the Quibbler upside-down, with crazy specs, and no shoes.  (I suspect Nargles)

Eskimo.  This is a super easy costume for those who already have big puffy winter coats with furry hoods.

Lifeguard.  I sort of cheated on this one because I already am a lifeguard.  Assuming you don't already have a uniform, all you would need are red shorts, and a white shirt.  On the white shirt, tape or glue the red cross on and write in red marker 'Lifeguard'.

m&m.  The best part about this costume is that you can do it with a group of people.  This also works for skittles!

Nudist on Strike.  I have used this costume many times.  Wear whatever you'd like and carry around a sign that says 'Nudist on Strike.'  It's an especially favorable costume if you have chilly Halloweens.  A coat won't ruin the costume.

Cat.  Now, I know not everyone has a Soft Kitty jumpsuit laying around.  A good alternative is to dress in solid colors and wear cat ears. Don't forget your nose and whiskers!

Baby.  A super easy (and extremely comfortable) costume is a baby.  The ponytail and freckles are optional.  Just wear some PJs, have a teddy bear, and maybe even a blankey.

I hope you enjoyed these, and found some inspiration for yourself.  I had way too much fun making these.  Have a fun and safe Halloween.  If you'd like to subscribe to my blogs, you can at the bottom of this page via email, I post about twice a week (No spam, just my blogs).  Thanks for reading! - Julia

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Top 10 Best Things about Halloween

Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday.  You might have already figured that out due to my incessant Halloween blogs, and I am certainly not finished with that quite yet.  This is Halloween week, the best week of the year! Here are my top ten favorite things about Halloween.

1.       Adorable toddler trick-or-treaters.  My favorite ones I’ve seen are dinosaurs, ladybugs, and farm animals. 

2.       Disney movies such as Halloweentown and Hocus Pocus.  What is Halloween without them, really?

3.       Sugar skulls (and Day of the Dead in general).

4.       “Thriller” and “Monster Mash” are classics. Also check out “Shankill Butchers” by Sarah Jarosz.  It’s the perfect creepy song to play for parties or just for yourself if you’re also a Halloween addict like me.

5.       Ghosts and séances seem so much more realistic around Halloween, and although I’m too afraid of opening up portals for demons, I still would love to try it out.

6.       Décor such as black lace (see my Halloween/Fall DIY for an awesome mason jar), jack-o-lanterns, black cats, etc.

7.       When a Stranger Calls (2006) and Panic Room are my favorite scary movies for Halloween along with pretty much any haunting or demonic possession movies.

8.       I love the chilly weather that adds spookiness to the holiday.  Think about it, Halloween wouldn’t be as scary in spring…

9.       Haunted Houses.  Buffalo has some awesome attractions such as Frightworld and Haunted Catacombs.  Also the real haunted houses that every city and town has.  I suggest if you can find one nearby without the risk of being arrested for trespassing, go visit one.

10.   Finally, everyone’s favorite thing about Halloween is the candy.  When I was a kid I would take pillowcases instead of those fake pumpkins and collect so much I’d be set until after Thanksgiving.

That’s all, I hope you enjoyed. If you would like, you can subscribe via email at the bottom of the page to get updates whenever I post (about twice a week).  Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Countdown to Halloween, Episode 2: Scary Q&A with yours truly

The other night, my boyfriend told me I was really jumpy and that everything freaks me out.  He’s definitely not wrong in saying that by any means, because I do act like I’m in a horror movie, but for good reason! I’ve had some scary things happen to me from paranormal to strangers at my home. 

I found these questions online, and I thought it would be fun to blog about it for my Halloween series. Just a disclaimer, if you don’t believe in ghosts, you may think I’m crazy.  Don’t worry… I am.

1)      What is your scariest real-life experience?

I actually have two.  The first one was when I was in Texas for a convention.  My two friends and I heard what sounded like a raging loud party going on a couple floors lower than ours and of course it was our mission to find out where it was and go join in.  Since we had no idea what floor it was on, we had to try a bunch of different floors.  We got off on the 14th floor and it was dead quiet.  So quiet that we didn’t understand how you couldn’t hear the party considering it was only one floor down from ours.  We all got freaked out and ran back into the elevator and went to the next floor and found the party.  It was a bunch of older people who clearly had no interest in making friends, so we decided instead to go ghost hunting on the 14th floor, because it was clearly haunted.  Since we were only a floor away we took the stairs.  We crept around the floor with our phones recording audio for a while, not finding anything remotely ghost-like so we headed back to the stairs to go back to our room, and there was this man just standing in the stairs as if he had been just watching us the whole time.  We screamed and ran back to the elevator slamming the buttons and just losing our minds.  In hind sight it was hilarious because he was probably just a hotel employee.  We did listen to the audio later and heard some quiet, creepy whispering…

An actually terrifying thing that happened to me was at my house a few years ago.  I had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room.  At around three in the morning I woke up to yelling and I was really confused for a second because I thought it was in my dream, but I realized there was someone outside my front door banging on the door and yelling for me to let them in.  I ran to my mom and called the police but nothing came of it.  They knew my mom’s name but I didn’t recognize the voice, and to this day no one has admitted to us it was them. A week later, around the same time of night, my sister and I were watching a horror movie and I was trying to scare her because I heard our floor creak and kept saying “did you hear that?” in fake terror.  Then I heard something outside, and I seriously asked her if she heard.  At this point we were both kind of scared but only thought it was the wind, we heard something really loud.  Clearly only a person could make that kind of noise.  Again the cops were called and they said there were bike tracks in the dew leading away from our porch.  I still have no idea who it was.

2)      What is your scariest paranormal experience?

Again I have two, but they’re short so bear with me.  The first one, I was in my grandma’s house. It was a few months after she died, and we had the house cleared out.  Well, everything except for the piano left in my name.  She lived two houses down, so I decided to go walk over there one last time before it was sold. I sat down at the piano like I always had as a little girl and played nonsense that sounded moderately musical and I cried.  When I say the whole house was cleared out I mean everything but the piano, not a single thing else so when I heard wind chimes I had no idea where they were coming from, then I heard a voice say my name.  I got chills like I never had in my life and ran home.  It was my grandma, I know that now, but I was TERRIFIED.

 Next was in Hawaii, this isn’t really a climatic story. I was staying in a hotel room with four other girls and when we got in our room it just felt off.  None of us slept well, and my friend said it felt like someone was staring at her all night.  Our last day out in Maui, we were walking along the beach and one of us asked if the room felt weird, so we all agreed it was haunted and it felt so malicious, just talking about it aloud made us all think it would get worse.  We spent the rest of the trip avoiding the room and sleeping in silent terror.  If I remember correctly, we kept the bible out and ready… Just in case.

3)      Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not?

Yes, just a resounding yes.  I wake up in the middle of the night to voices.  Also the Shadow Man story (Countdown to Halloween, Ep. 1) still sticks with me.  My brain is very good at making me see figures of people in the night. I’ve woken up multiple times in the night because I heard a whisper in my ear; I call it my Nightmare Whisperer.  Very original, I know.

4)      Does your hometown have any scary stories or legends? 

If you live in or around Buffalo you may already know the story I’m about to tell, so kindly skip ahead. For those that don’t, there is a story about Shea’s Performing Arts Center.  The legend goes that late at night if you are alone or secluded in the building, a man will approach you and say “Isn’t this magnificent?” and vanish mysteriously.  People also say it generally feels haunted and odd things will happen with no other explanation than paranormal activity.

5)      What is your favorite urban legend?

Although I do love Slenderman, there will always be a place in my fears for the ones like what happened to me at my mom’s house.  Ones where people try to get you to let you into your house by making it seem like they need help.  Or one that really freaks me out is the one where people leave a recording of a baby crying outside your doorstep and if you open your door to see… well, you get the point.

6)      What is your scariest nightmare?

This nightmare was not a traditional one with action or murders.  I thought it was real and that, I think, made it so scary.  I was walking upstairs to go to the bathroom, and as I passed my room, I saw a man staring through my window straight at me.  When I woke up I was terrified it was real until I realized that my room is on the second floor and no one could stand outside it.

Unless it was Slenderman...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Scary Short Stories: Countdown to Halloween, Episode 1 "Shadow Man"

Have you ever woken up in the dead of night for no reason at all?  You might have just lain back down and fell right to sleep again, telling yourself that maybe the air vents came on waking you up.  That’s one reason.  Some people think when you’re awake at night; it is because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.  The unspoken truth is that you may be being watch by someone… or something.

You never know what is lurking by your window, hiding under your bed, or peering from a dark corner.

What you are about to read is based on true events. 


I woke up at precisely 2:48 according to the digital clock on my bedside table, casting only a small amount of light.  My room was abnormally cold so I picked up the extra blankets from the foot of my bed and spread them over myself.  As I lay in my bed I found it hard to get back to sleep.  I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, but my eyes would not stay closed.  I flipped onto my back and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes seeing shapes in the darkness.
  I imagined sleeping cats, and running horses.  The shapes started to shift into things like snakes, skeletons, and monsters.  I quickly shut my eyes so I could stop scaring myself.  It was then I decided I could not get to sleep and sat up in my bed and looked straight ahead, and at the foot of my bed was a man.  I couldn’t see his face; he was dressed all in black and was facing right at me.  I sat there paralyzed in my bed, we stared at each other for a moment, when he walked closer to me and quietly whispered “goodnight,” and slowly walked out of my room.  I must have sat still in my bed too scared to move until I fell asleep because the next thing I knew it was morning and the shadow man was gone.

Some times when I wake up in the middle of the night I still see shadows move, hear soft voices calling my name, and feel eyes on my back.  Although it has been many years since I have seen Shadow Man, I still know he is there, always watching. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Halloween/ Fall Themed DIY

Mason jars, as you may already know from "100 Things I Like," are of my favorite things.  This week I decided to do my first DIY using mason jars.  All together it took me less than an hour to finish. I found everything I needed at Michael's for less than $15.  They almost always have coupons out! So if you're in need of a quick centerpiece for Thanksgiving or cute tea light candle holder for Halloween, read on. Enjoy!
Materials you will need:
-Three small mason jars
-Thick Sheer Black Lace
-Decorative Fall Leaves
-Black Felt
Tools you will need:
-Hot glue gun
-Creativity & Patience
This one was my favorite jar to make.  I wanted to make something creepy yet sophisticated.  You can use it for Halloween or just a nice decoration through out the year if it fits your style.
I started by taking the lace and folding it in half so it would fit right under the lid.  Make a nice bow, and secure it in place with a hot glue gun right under the knot of the bow.
Pick where on the jar you want to consider the back and start the 'seam' of the lace.  This is where you will hot glue the start of each row of lace. As you wrap the lace make sure it says parallel to the ground.  You don't want crooked rows.
After the first row, I secured the top of the lace to the jar with hot glue so that there wasn't anything sticking up.  This is not a necessity, but it makes the whole thing look neater. 
Continue down the jar adding rows until you get to the bottom.  Trim any extra lace hanging off the bottom, then secure the lose ends to the jar just as you did to the first row.
Then you're done!
The next two are much simpler.  I don't have step by step pictures, because it is up to you how you'd like to do it.  For the fall leaves jar I simply glued down layers of different colored leaves until most of the jar was covered.  The one thing I would suggest is that when you're layering the leaves, do it in steps.  Make sure if you have a couple leaves overlapping, that the first one is glued to the jar securely, then the next one glued to the bottom one completely so that you don't end up with the leaves popping off the jar.
This last one is the easiest.  All you have to do is cut out shapes of Halloween themed animals or objects out of the felt.   I chose bats, but you can do spiders, Jack-o-lantern faces, skulls, etc.  I added a strip of felt the lid just to make it look more put together, but that's completely optional.

Here they all are!
And yet again.  I set them with the fall favorite pumpkin scented candle, a beautiful leaf from my yard, dripping red wax, and a paper skull that I also picked up from Michael's and painted black.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tag You're It 100 Things I Like

Since my last blog was pretty heavy, I decided to do something fun and silly this week.  I spent over two hours working on this list and I was surprised at how little I knew myself.  Originally this was supposed to be something that just stayed in my diary for me, but as I was writing this I thought to myself how this would be good practice for everyone who think they know themselves.  It’s a good way for you to spend some quality time with yourself, which is ALWAYS important.  (First step to a happy healthy life is to love yourself.  You gotta know yourself to like yourself, I think.)

I now challenge you to list somewhere 100 things you like, and pass on the challenge;

Without further ado here are 100 Things I Like:

1.       Making Lists

2.      Funny YouTube videos (CutiePieMarzia inspired this Tag)

3.      Movies

4.     Fuzzy Socks

5.      Oversized Sweaters

6.      Thunderstorms

7.     Music

8.      Dark Chocolate

9.      Earthpaste (A clay toothpaste)

10.   Day of the Dead

11.   Trees

12.  Herbs

13.  Mason jars

14.  Writing

15.  DIY projects

16.  Giving advice

17.  Books

18.   Harry Potter

19.   Tattoos (mine specifically)

20.  Mythology

21.  Painting

22. ASMR (It’s a form of relaxation)

23. Cats

24. Giraffes

25. Daydreaming

26. Scary stories

27. Cooking

28.  The Moon

29.  Magic

30.  Lace

31.  Crying happy tears

32. Cool/funky cards

33. My new vintage typewriter (a gift from one of my favorite people!)

34. Hugs

35. Laughing/ Making others laugh

36. Recycling

37. Hand-me-downs

38.  Yoga

39.  Singing

40. Hiking

41.  Chalkboard walls

42. Picture collages

43. Peanut butter


45. Brown rice

46. Guacamole


48. Hawaii

49. Summer sun

50.  Warm breezes

51.  Racing people (even though I’m laughably slow)

52. Knitted hats

53. Dream catchers

54. Fire

55. Swimming

56. Natural health

57. Playing instruments

58.  Ghosts

59.  Baking

60.  Native American culture

61.  Creepy objects (Like Annabelle, which was a good movie)

62. Filling out info sheets (it sooths me)

63. Organizing

64. Sleeping

65. Learning new languages

66. Walking barefoot

67. Dancing like nobody is watching even if they are

68.  Reminiscing

69.  Traveling

70. Concerts

71.  Talking

72. Long car rides

73. Candles

74.Essential oils

75. Poison ivy (all the times I’ve accidentally touched it I haven’t gotten a rash *knock on wood*)

76. Giving gifts

77.Herbal Tea

78. Raw Honey

79. Antique-looking furniture

80.  Cacti

81.   Staying up late

82.  Baths

83.  Planners

84. Making a nest of blankets

85.  Being mischievous with friends

86.  Stuffed animals

87. Urban legends (Slender man is my favorite)

88.  My job(s)

89.  Spending $

90.  Decorating (Cookies, houses, trees, rooms, etc.)

91.   Reading people’s auras (even if I’m way off)

92.  Going on adventures

93.  Journals/ Diaries

94. Exercise

95.  Wrapping gifts

96.  Sunrise/ sunset

97. Pretty Handwriting

98.  Meeting kind and awesome strangers

99.  Filigree everything

100.  And finally, blogging of course!