Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tag You're It 100 Things I Like

Since my last blog was pretty heavy, I decided to do something fun and silly this week.  I spent over two hours working on this list and I was surprised at how little I knew myself.  Originally this was supposed to be something that just stayed in my diary for me, but as I was writing this I thought to myself how this would be good practice for everyone who think they know themselves.  It’s a good way for you to spend some quality time with yourself, which is ALWAYS important.  (First step to a happy healthy life is to love yourself.  You gotta know yourself to like yourself, I think.)

I now challenge you to list somewhere 100 things you like, and pass on the challenge;

Without further ado here are 100 Things I Like:

1.       Making Lists

2.      Funny YouTube videos (CutiePieMarzia inspired this Tag)

3.      Movies

4.     Fuzzy Socks

5.      Oversized Sweaters

6.      Thunderstorms

7.     Music

8.      Dark Chocolate

9.      Earthpaste (A clay toothpaste)

10.   Day of the Dead

11.   Trees

12.  Herbs

13.  Mason jars

14.  Writing

15.  DIY projects

16.  Giving advice

17.  Books

18.   Harry Potter

19.   Tattoos (mine specifically)

20.  Mythology

21.  Painting

22. ASMR (It’s a form of relaxation)

23. Cats

24. Giraffes

25. Daydreaming

26. Scary stories

27. Cooking

28.  The Moon

29.  Magic

30.  Lace

31.  Crying happy tears

32. Cool/funky cards

33. My new vintage typewriter (a gift from one of my favorite people!)

34. Hugs

35. Laughing/ Making others laugh

36. Recycling

37. Hand-me-downs

38.  Yoga

39.  Singing

40. Hiking

41.  Chalkboard walls

42. Picture collages

43. Peanut butter


45. Brown rice

46. Guacamole


48. Hawaii

49. Summer sun

50.  Warm breezes

51.  Racing people (even though I’m laughably slow)

52. Knitted hats

53. Dream catchers

54. Fire

55. Swimming

56. Natural health

57. Playing instruments

58.  Ghosts

59.  Baking

60.  Native American culture

61.  Creepy objects (Like Annabelle, which was a good movie)

62. Filling out info sheets (it sooths me)

63. Organizing

64. Sleeping

65. Learning new languages

66. Walking barefoot

67. Dancing like nobody is watching even if they are

68.  Reminiscing

69.  Traveling

70. Concerts

71.  Talking

72. Long car rides

73. Candles

74.Essential oils

75. Poison ivy (all the times I’ve accidentally touched it I haven’t gotten a rash *knock on wood*)

76. Giving gifts

77.Herbal Tea

78. Raw Honey

79. Antique-looking furniture

80.  Cacti

81.   Staying up late

82.  Baths

83.  Planners

84. Making a nest of blankets

85.  Being mischievous with friends

86.  Stuffed animals

87. Urban legends (Slender man is my favorite)

88.  My job(s)

89.  Spending $

90.  Decorating (Cookies, houses, trees, rooms, etc.)

91.   Reading people’s auras (even if I’m way off)

92.  Going on adventures

93.  Journals/ Diaries

94. Exercise

95.  Wrapping gifts

96.  Sunrise/ sunset

97. Pretty Handwriting

98.  Meeting kind and awesome strangers

99.  Filigree everything

100.  And finally, blogging of course!


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