Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Music Review- Miley Cyrus and her Dead Petz

Alright, before we get started we should all just leave everything we think about Miley at the door (well, your other browser window that you clicked on this from). Just have an open mind.
Before I go into my favorite tracks from her new free album, I’m going to lay down the possible reasons that you might dislike Miley Cyrus.
Maybe you don’t like her because she’s profane. Okay, I guess that’s a fair complaint. It’s usually not socially appropriate to drop f-bombs, but you should note that Miley doesn’t really use hurtful words towards other people. She isn’t a malignant swearer (I made that word up).
Perhaps it’s Miley’s near-constant nudity that you dislike, or the fact that she is an advocate for smoking marijuana. All I will say for that is, I know for a fact you’re naked under your clothes. And it’s hard to get genuinely upset at someone who burns a plant to inhale then stares at their living room wall all day then writes a song about it.  
Okay! Now that that is out of the way, I shall share with you my top 7 favorite tracks.
“Pablow the Blowfish”
My list wouldn’t be complete without a song that actually references one of her dead pets. When you listen to the song, you need to really be open to unconventional lyrics. They seem silly and half-assed but they’re actually very heartfelt and genuine. I’m not going to lie, I cried the first time I listened to the song. It is heart wrenching, hearing about this little fish dude.
“The Floyd Song (Sunrise)”
In a more metaphoric way, Miley sings about her beautiful puppy who was mauled by coyotes last year ish and I have to say, it is one of the most beautiful songs I have heard Miley do. It has such an impenetrable ambiance that is reminiscent of how you feel when you’re grieving over a death. If there was one song that I would want everyone to give a chance from this album, it would be this song.
“BB Talk”
I really appreciate this song because it is so different from what you hear pop artists do. I’m sure the idea isn’t totally new, but instead of formulaic verses, Miley just gets a dialogue going and it works for me. She swears a lot, but it’s enjoyable for those who are curious about what people actually think. Miley certainly does not hold back.
“I Get So Scared”
I picked this song because it is vulnerable Miley in a really honest way. It’s relatable and the form is familiar to pop-loving ears. I listen to it a lot I think that probably most everyone knows exactly what she is singing about.
“Twinkle Song”
I’ll be honest; I listen to this song because it makes me giggle. The lyrics are very…stoner? Yea I’ll go with that. But also Miley rips into the chorus with a vengeance. It is pretty epic.

“Cyrus Skies”
Only for the daring. This song is really weird, I’ll tell you that right away. I won’t say much in hopes that your curiosity will get the best of you (is it working?).
“Miley Tibetan Bowlzzz”
This is actually fairly experimental avant-garde for a “pop” album in my opinion. It works for me. It’s like Cyrus-ified (I made that word up) yoga music. It’s hypnotic.

What more can I say? Go check out the album and maybe peruse her website and discover that she’s quite the philanthropist. (She founded a charity and started a MAC line to raise funds for AIDS).

Viva la Miley.

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