Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hidden Treasures | Underrated Movies

Here I have compiled a list of movies that I believe everyone should watch in their lives. I even went ahead and categorized them for you (no worries, they're not nearly as bad as Netflix categories). So go forth with this list and enjoy what I have declared my favorite underrated films of the past two decades.

  1. A Lot Like Love (2005)

    (Romantic Comedy)
    By now everyone in the English speaking world knows movies like The Notebook and Titanic. Indeed they are superb chick-flicks, but A Lot Like Love is a rom-com that I have no idea why it never got the same kind of praise as any Nicholas Sparks adaptation ever. It's the predecessor for movies like Friends With Benefits, it's not annoyingly cliche, and it's male-friendly (Ashton Kutcher is everyone's favorite).
  2. The Double (2013)

    (Psychological Thriller)
    This movie, although not for everyone, is a really cool film. I would say it's like an indie Fight Club. I rented it because I love Jesse Eisenberg (as you will soon come to realize as you read on) and I have never not liked a movie he was in. Warning: it starts slow, but when you wait for it to pick up, it is wholly engaging and interesting. Also Mia Wasikowska (Alice from Tim Burton's version) is wonderful.
  3. Adventureland (2009)

    (Serious Teen Drama)
    Oh, hey. I didn't lie about liking Jesse Eisenberg, did I? Earlier this year I wrote a movie review on American Ultra (click here to read) and I mentioned that Kristen Stewart and Jesse are one of my absolute favorite on screen couples. I hold this movie very dear to my heart for many reasons; one being it is a very real and honest coming-of-age tale. And did I mention Jesse Eisenberg?
  4. Juno (2007)

    I am fully aware that many many people know and love this movie, but I added it to this list because EVERYONE should know and love it. It's been almost ten years since I first saw this movie and I still quote it daily, and you know what? Because not everyone loves this movie like I do, no one understands the references so I'll make a perfectly normal encounter with a human being really weird because I blurt out "Whoa, dream big!" and everyone thinks I'm just being an ass. So, for the sake of my social well-being, make everyone you know watch Juno.
  5. Why Stop Now? (2012)

    Yep. Jesse Eisenberg again (are you even surprised?)
    Okay so this movie is something I found in the dark corners of Netflix on a particularly boring afternoon. I was weary about it because you should be when you venture out of the Trending Now section of Netflix, but I thought "Jesse Eisenberg," and hit play. Guys, Jesse does not disappoint ever! I bet if you took your least favorite movie and re-shot it with Jesse, he would save it (anyone else thinking of Jesse as a moody yet wittily sarcastic vampire?).
    Back to the real movie. It is charmingly fun and I would highly suggest it for a good serious comedy.
  6. Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

    Like Juno, I know it has a cult following but for god's sake make it bigger. It's just impossible to not like this movie. I was also Napoleon for Halloween

  7. Horns (2013)

    (Thriller Fantasy)
    So here's a little summary of this movie. Harry Potter lives in Seattle (no vampires, I promise) and people think he killed his missing girlfriend. Well, Harry loses his cool and turns into a satyr.  Okay I'm kidding, but that's actually not a terrible plot summary. This is a kind of thriller/horror/fantasy movie that is not unlike a super hero movie where the protagonist dances on the like of being an anti-hero.
  8. Scream (1996)

    (Horror/ Slasher)
    Yes, these movies are popular. I know that. But they are not appreciated like they should be. How sick are you of going to the movies and seeing the same horror film rehashed over and over? Didn't the nineties just do movies right? This is such a fun slasher movie (in a totally non psychopathic way). This past October I watched these movies almost everyday. Sometimes twice...
  9. LOL (2012)

    (Romantic Drama)
    I remember when I first discovered this movie, I made everyone watch it with me. No one believed me that it was going to be good because this was right when Miley started cutting her hair and behaving un-Disney.
    You may notice that I like coming-of-age movies and this one is really fun. Miley gives a really sincere performance and I think it is an overall well-done and wholly under-celebrated.
  10. Stoker (2013)

    (Weirdest/ Coolest Psychological Thriller Ever)
    I cannot stop thinking about this movie. I went into it thinking it would be an fairly generic horror film about a girl who has a crazy family, but I was so wrong. Yes, there is a crazy family. No, it is not in any way generic at all. I feel like all I want to do is watch this movie over and over. It's definitely a thriller movie and it's pretty disturbing and should come with some serious trigger warnings (graphic violence), but it's the kind of movie that just haunts you. I also have a bit of a crush on Mia Wasikowska's acting in every film she's in.

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