Thursday, September 28, 2017

100 Things I Like | Three Years Later Edition

In 2014, I made a big long list of 100 things that I like (and love) and upon browsing my old blogs I immediately I was like I have got to do it again! Three years is kind of a long time considering how much has changed. I've lost pets, family, graduated college, dumped boys, and started my career. For this to be true to my 2017 self, I have not read the one I made three years ago. I'm pretty excited to see how I've changed. Click this link to read my post from 3 years ago!

Here I go. 

100 Things I Like:

1) Organizing my room after a long week

2) Making Italian food

3) Cats

4) The color green

5) Yoga

6) Having noticeable muscle on my body

7) Going to bed early (I KNOW this one is new)

8) Otters

9) Salmon dishes

10) Fried pickles

11) Fresh picked bouquets

12) Knowing how to spell a word

13) Night cream

14) Great doctors with excellent bedside manner

15) Writing in my diary

16) Harry Potter

17) Poetry

18) Synchronized Swimming

19) Hiking

20) Jane the Virgin

21) Wonder Woman

22) My family

23) Writing

24) Designing greeting cards

25) Chocolate

26) Pinterest for any and everything

27) Caramel

28) Tequila Sunrise 

29) My panda sleep mask

30) New York City

31) Rain 

32) Thunder

33) Sand 

34) Having pretty journals

35) Books

36) Cooking

37) Throwing things away that I really don't need

38) Youtube videos about conspiracy theories and paranormal things

39) My Harry Potter socks (all 6 pairs)

40) Having a good cry every now and then

41) The day-after-a-workout sore feeling

42) Learning. Usually I enjoy the things I come across on my own

43) Browsing things on Etsy but not buying them

44) Venting! Always makes me feel better

45) Air Conditioning

46) Essential Oils

47) My natural hair color and texture

48) Going out to dinner

49) Thred Up

50) Making Lists

51) Recycling

52) Occasional alone time.

53) Pranks 

54) Being spooked

55) Horror movies (to an extent)

56) Flowery smelling perfumes

57) Pocahontas

58) Moana

59) Comfy clothes

60) Sweater socks (they're life changing)

61) The pop socket on my phone

62) My lion ring

63) Breezy weather in the Fall

64) When karma comes for someone that's been ASKING for it

65) Etsy

66) Millennial Pink

67) When the temperature drastically changes

68) Northern California

69) Central Park in the fall

70) Tapered sweatpants

71) Horror Movies (mostly slasher or paranormal)

72) My brand new college degree!

73) DIY projects

74) The moon

75) Roscato from Olive Garden

76) Soup

77) OJ Simpson documentaries

78) Driving through the Adirondacks

79) Lily of the Valley flowers

80) Ira Wolf 

81) Brooke Waggoner

82) Jokes told by toddlers

83) Being honest

84) Being able to maturely disagree with someone (still learning this)

85) Movie trailers (they're an art form in and of itself)

86) Making my bed

87) Essential oils

88) My trusty old car that is actually older than most high school students

89) Dark clouds

90) Laughing until my abs are sore

91) Not having anything to do after working all day

92) My mini indoor garden

93) The smell of matches

94) Naming pets

95) Wine corks

96) Drying flowers that were given to me with special meaning

97) Going through old pictures

98) Giving gifts

99) Fall Holidays

100) This blog <3

That was fun! 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Weird Things I Think as an Adult

Whilst writing an article a while ago about the weird things I thought as a child, I realized I have some really weird adult thoughts as well. I spent a great deal of time in boring lectures (thank God that ish is over!) wandering through the depths of my weird imagination train. I often wonder about strange things or develop really odd concepts of realities. I even have some odd habits that I don't fully accept as normal behavior.  And like Julia-fashion, I expel all these private thoughts onto the public internet!

1. Sneezing is like nose farts and blowing your nose is like nose puking. It's also a form of pain relief.

2. I will sometimes jog places simply because I get fed up with how DAMN slow walkng is. People in college don't judge you for doing this. They let you live your life- it's great.

3. I was once told that every seven years all cells in your body will have regenerated, so you're actually a different person in a way, yet tattoos defy this logic. Therefore, Illuminati confirmed.

4. When I was younger, my sister told me that the contrails that airplanes leave in the sky are actually asteroids heading towards Earth. I flipped out, of course, and she assured me that she was only joking, but I continue to be wary of them.  I will stare at them for a while to make sure it's not an asteroid (I don't really know what I would do if they really turned out to be an asteroid).

5. When I wake up early in the morning, I am briefly, severely dyslexic. I will try to read texts and they look like jibberish for like five whole minutes. My snooze button looks like "szoollne" to me.

6. I don't believe in calories. I think they're a myth created by food companies so they could start selling lower calorie versions of their foods.

7. I know that my cat fully understands English and we have full-on conversations.

8. I still don't fully comprehend that celebrities have normal moments in their lives. Jennifer Lawrence is somewhere doing normal things like laundry and eating at Wendy's.

9. If it's Wednesday and I'm up past midnight, I won't consider that to be Thursday until I wake up in the morning. Even if I'm up until 3 am. (That applies to all days, not just Wednesday).\

10. I get mad when people throw/kick/move rocks because I think that rocks have their own destiny that they have to live. That rock that made its way to the riverbed wants to stay there. I feel guilty when I skip rocks because of this.

It's good to free your thoughts into the world.

*Texas needs our help. If you can afford to donate, research a foundation you trust and show the victims of Hurricane Harvey that you care.*