Friday, October 23, 2015

Homemade Halloween Cards

Halloween usually isn't the kind of holiday that you send cards out to people, but I have a real passion for sending them to people unexpectedly. I once sent anonymous homemade valentine's day cards to a bunch of people and over a year after I did that, I went to visit one of my favorite teachers and she had saved the card and the envelope that I had sent her. It was so sweet when I told her it was me and she showed me she had kept it on her board all this time.

This Halloween I urge everyone to send a heartfelt card to people you love or people who you think need some cheering. This one is going to my Grandma (PSA: Everyone go call your grandparents after you read this blog! They miss you).

All you really need for this little project is:
1. Construction paper
2. Craft glue
3. Scissors
4. Pencils
5. Sharpie Markers

Get creative with the font. I'm no good at handwriting, but a good unique block font is easiest.

Borders make things look fancier, so google some really beautiful borders and see what you can copy. Make sure when you use a sharpie, you open up the card in case it bleeds through.

The inside is best for little characters. Ghosts, bats, pumpkins, vampires, spiders, cobwebs, etc. The list goes on and on.

Get funky with the little dudes. 
This is where craft glue comes in handy. Regular glue makes paper wavy from the moisture, so to get a clean result, invest in some good glue.

If you have any good Halloween jokes... please email me because obviously I'm hopeless.

And so Day One of Halloweek has officially kicked off the count down to Halloween! Come back everyday until the 31st for more Halloween related blogs!


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