Thursday, October 29, 2015

Recovering from Horror Movies

As Halloween approaches, you may be feeling the urge to binge on scary movies.  Netflix has all the original Scream movies, Halloween is playing on every channel, and ABC Family is having the 13 Nights of Halloween so why not spook yourself out while you can. The only problem with spending 6 hours on your couch with your eyes glued on the screen is the aftermath of watching a scary movie.

I’ll tell you a story about the time I was watching Scream 4 with my sister and we both heard a noise outside the house. It was truthfully quite a suspicious noise so we called the police.  Now most people aren’t as spastic as my sister and I, but I would be willing to bet that horror movies make us all a little jumpier and unwilling to shut the lights off.

I am not here to tell you to quit watching slasher movies so you don’t have to sleep with a knife at your bedside. Quite the opposite, really. Here are some tips and tricks to help you cope with the effect of horror movies so you can have peaceful dreams.

Sing loudly. Right after you finish your movie marathon and you turn the TV off there’s always that air of fear that something will come popping out to scare you. Fill that silence with loud, awful, hilariously treacherous singing. If someone were to be hiding, that ought to make them want to leave ASAP!

Watch a Christmas Movie. You know, the most wonderful time of the year? Christmas is the exact opposite of Halloween and so are their movies. After watching Halloween 6, I put on Christmas with the Kranks. Then and only then was I brave enough to venture into the kitchen without fear of a masked murderer lurking around the corner.

Chocolate and tea. Not only does chocolate get rid of dementors in Harry Potter, it gets rid of the heebie jeebies.  Let’s be honest, chocolate cures everything. Tea also cures everything especially Chamomile. It has a Xanax-like effect on the body that will just chill you right out. Was that a bump you just heard upstairs? Eh, so be it.

Go Watch THIS. Don’t even question it. Click the link.

Check the Entire House. Grab a weapon (a heavy book will do) and check your whole house for murderers. Once you can confidently determine that no one is in the house all you have to worry about is stalkers outside of your house. Which reminds me… Lock the doors!

Snuggle Animals. Cats, dogs, fish, stuffed. Any pet will do. It’s scientifically proven (using the Julia-Tested methods) that pet snuggles from any type of animal will help you feel better. Plus animals can sense bad things happening. If your dog isn’t barking at the corner, then you’re probably safe from demonic attacks.

Do NOT Take a Shower. Are you crazy? Do you want to be stabbed? I don’t care if you checked that the coast is clear. Shower killings are the RULE not the exception. You might as well peak your head out the door and say “hello?” when you hear a noise. Go back to snuggling puppies; you’re not ready for hygiene yet.
Okay that last one was a little irrelevant and silly, but the rest are serious. So go ahead and enjoy your gore and haunting films!

Thank you for reading and be sure to come back every day until the 31st for more Halloween related blogs!

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