Friday, December 19, 2014


I find it curious how people affect you.  Not in a casual way, though.  I mean when someone just affects you.  I’ve met people in my life that just had such energy, that it ate at me if I wasn’t thinking about them.  They’re very rare people, but they don’t leave you even after they're gone from your life. These kinds of people just embed their aura onto yours and it changes you in a way that’s very good.  Some of the people in my life have been so fleeting, some have been by my side for years, and some are honestly fictional characters, but they all have that identifying factor of being so incredibly exciting simply because they exist.

I’m not saying I have seen these people romantically because that’s a different kind of feeling.  I don’t really believe in soul mates because there’s a chance that souls can exist in different lifetimes and fate can mess up and leave you alone forever, so I don’t risk that belief.  I would consider these people as emotionally compatible, maybe?

I just know I can’t be the only person to have these people in my life.  To be so affected by another person in such a platonic, yet almost miraculous way.  It’s strange and incredible. 
They're really the unicorns of human beings.  Their rarity and specialness exists only in your mind and your heart.  To other's they might just be another person, but to you they're magnificent.

This is not much of a blog.  It’s not much of anything, but I like to keep a record of my thoughts.

And it’s silly to live up to expectations that I made for myself about some internet thing that I started for fun.

I just wanted to rant about these unicorns of people in my life.

So I did.

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