Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Table Ideas


Usually this holiday is for giving thanks, not gifts, but that's okay.  I love gifting (especially homemade gifts).  I was thinking of making name tags for Thanksgiving diner this year, and I saw some things at the store that got me inspired to make this.  I didn't want to just leave it at a piece of paper with your name on it, I wanted to incorporate something a little bit more.
Here's what you'll need:
-Black and white paper
-scissors and stapler
-pen or pencil
-small brown paper bags
-a great cookie recipe
-a hole punch
First step is to cut out name tags.  You'll need one black and two white per person. Make sure the white is a little bit smaller than the black.  Mine look a little bit like basket raffle tickets, but you can do what ever shape you'd like (just make sure there's room to write)

Glue the two white pieces on either side of the black.

One side will read one of your guests' names.
The back will read "I'm thankful for..."

I was fortunate enough to have a really small hole punch, but you can use a regular hole punch.
Once you've made this hole on the tag (being careful it doesn't touch the writing) and the brown paper bag, tie them together with twine.

In order for me to fit the cookies into the brown paper bag, I made them really tiny (1/4 teaspoon sized).  Also, no, they are not turds! They're delicious little chocolate cookies.  Just an FYI, if you use small sizes like this, you need to be really careful you don't overcook them. I put these little guys in for 7 minutes, half the time of the original recipe.
If you don't want to bake, or just burn everything that goes into the oven, you can use small candies, little ornaments, or really anything that fits in the bag.

Once you've stapled the cookies into the bag, take a snack break on the rest of the cookies you didn't use.

And here's the finished product!

Also, if you're looking for a nice, simple center piece, you can check out my mason jar DIY.
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