Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tips for Healthy Hair Growth

Last week I passed a really important milestone in my life.  I brush a tangle from hair! For the past year my hair hasn’t been any longer than my chin, and the fact that it’s finally long enough to tangle is a really big deal! I have, of course, been really fed up with it and considered extensions because I am sick of looking like a boy, but I have just been trying to be really patient.  My hair definitely has been growing pretty fast considering how short it was over the summer (a quarter of an inch long). 

I did a bit of research as soon as I got a pixie cut last year about how to grow hair back without the use of pills.  Biotin pills are okay, but for me I didn’t want to put something in my body that it doesn’t really need. A strange pill for hair growth I found, Kim Kardashian endorsed (sigh), is a questionable mix of strange chemicals that have some really unpleasant side effects like itchy scalp and sporadic acne, which no one wants.

I found a few natural things that work really well for me.

1.    Coconut Oil- I use coconut oil for nearly everything from cooking to oral hygiene.  It especially is a really effective scalp treatment, especially for dry hair.  I put a thin coat on for a couple hours then wash it out.  It’s better than conditioner.

2.    Natural Shampoo- The amount of chemicals in regular commercial brand shampoo is astounding.  Sulphates, parabens, and dyes are not something you want in or on your body; they are so harmful. When you’re growing out your hair you don’t want it to be damaged straight from the get go.

3.    Reduce washes-I wash my hair about once every other week, and it’s not because good shampoo is a little more expensive, it’s because your hair doesn’t need to be cleaned so often.  The only reason we have conditioner is because we shampoo our hair so often and it gets dried out.  The longer you wait to wash your hair, the better.  The oils your scalp produce are so nourishing.

4.    Yoga-Any exercise will help get your blood pumping harder, but yoga improves your circulation.  The more blood getting to your scalp, the better a job it can do (including everything else in your body).  There is some argument that a scalp massage can also improve the circulation, but yoga is way more effective and helps more than your hair.

5.    Zucchini-This is probably my favorite vegetable.  I discovered zucchini was great for hair growth because one of my hobbies is to research the health benefits of the foods I’m eating. I have this one really awesome recipe for Zucchini that is super easy to make. You can check it out right here.


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